Day 3: Visualizing Quantities of Interest

In the final day of the workshop, we’ll really be slowing things down. In Days 1 and 2, we explored a variety of complex visualizations and walked through the grammar of graphics in some detail (Wickham, Navarro, and Pedersen 2023; Wilkinson 2005). In Day 3, we’ll get a bit more pragmatic and address a topic that should be of interest to every population researcher out there: how can we visualize the results of the statistical models we fit?

As in Days 1 and 2, you can engage with course materials via two channels:

  1. By following the day3.R script file. This file is available in the companion repository for PopAging DataViz.1

  2. By working your through the .html page you are currently on.

If renv::restore() is not working for you, you can install Day 3 packages by executing the following code:

Show Answer
day3_packages <- c("estimatr", "ggeffects", "marginaleffects", 
                   "modelsummary", "effects", "gtsummary", "gt",
                   "ggthemes", "panelr", "remotes")



Fitting Models, Visualizing Results


Here are the datasets we will briefly work with today.

Dataset Details
gapminder_2007 Country-level data from 2007. Data comes from the gapminder package — but excludes observations from Oceania.
wage_panelr Earnings trajectories of around 600 individuals featured in the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Data drawn from the panelr package.
gss_2010 Data from the 2010 General Social Survey in the United States. Data drawn from the gssr package.

If you are having issues cloning (or downloading files or folders from) the source repository, you can access the .RData file by:

  • Executing the following code in your console or editor:
# Loading the Day 3 .RData file


A Basic Linear Model

Using the gapminder_2007 data frame, let’s regress life expectancy on the following predictors: log_pop, continent and log_gdpPercap.

mod_gapminder_1 <- lm(lifeExp ~ log_pop + log_gdpPercap + continent,
                      data = gapminder_2007)

After fitting our model, let’s use functions from gtsummary, modelsummary or broom to look at our results.

Caveat Emptor

The models produced here are simply for illustrative purposes. To wit, they offer little inferential or predictive power — and are undoubtedly misspecified.




95% CI



log_pop 0.04 -0.66, 0.74 >0.9
log_gdpPercap 4.6 3.6, 5.7 <0.001

    Americas 12 8.3, 15 <0.001
    Asia 10 6.9, 13 <0.001
    Europe 11 7.4, 15 <0.001

CI = Confidence Interval

(Intercept) 19.388
log_pop 0.042
log_gdpPercap 4.643
continentAmericas 11.654
continentAsia 10.049
continentEurope 11.229
Num.Obs. 140
R2 0.763
R2 Adj. 0.754
AIC 905.6
BIC 926.2
Log.Lik. -445.797
F 86.276
RMSE 5.84
mod_gapminder_1 %>% tidy()
# A tibble: 6 × 5
  term              estimate std.error statistic  p.value
  <chr>                <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
1 (Intercept)        19.4        7.50      2.58  1.08e- 2
2 log_pop             0.0417     0.353     0.118 9.06e- 1
3 log_gdpPercap       4.64       0.540     8.60  1.86e-14
4 continentAmericas  11.7        1.70      6.86  2.35e-10
5 continentAsia      10.0        1.58      6.34  3.20e- 9
6 continentEurope    11.2        1.93      5.81  4.42e- 8

These functions (and libraries) are wonderful ways to review model results or begin the process of building a regression table. However, visual summaries are particularly useful for demystifying complex (and at times inscrutable) statistical models.

With that in mind, here’s a simple way we can use broom::tidy() and ggplot2 to visualize the results of our model while highlighting our parameters of interest.

mod_gapminder_1 %>% tidy( = TRUE) %>% 
                    # Zeroing in on variables of interest:
                    filter(str_detect(term, "log")) %>% 
                    ggplot() +
                    geom_pointrange(mapping = aes(x = estimate,
                                                  y = term,
                                                  xmin = conf.low,
                                                  xmax = conf.high))

Spend the next 10 minutes manipulating this basic coefficient plot using some of the skills you’ve developed during PopAging DataViz.

Coefficient Plots via modelplot()

Producing coefficient plots manually gives us fine control — but may take a fair bit of time as well (depending on the complexity of our models). Thankfully, the modelplot() function from modelsummary can streamline the process:

          # Omitting specific variables (e.g., controls, 
          # fixed effects etc.)
          coef_omit = "Interc|contin",
          # 99% confidence intervals:
          conf_level = 0.99) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0,
           linetype = "dotted") +
    # Shading in "pointranges" based on significance level:
aes(colour = ifelse(p.value < 0.01, "Significant", "Not significant")) +
scale_colour_manual(values = c("grey", "red"))

To showcase the utility of modelplot(), let’s fit a model that’s a bit more complex. To do so, we’ll use the wage_panelr dataset as well as the lm_robust() function from estimatr. For some context, here’s a summary of wage_panelr:

Data summary
Name wage_panelr
Number of rows 4165
Number of columns 14
Column type frequency:
factor 10
numeric 4
Group variables None

Variable type: factor

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate ordered n_unique top_counts
id 0 1 FALSE 595 1: 7, 2: 7, 3: 7, 4: 7
wave 0 1 FALSE 7 1: 595, 2: 595, 3: 595, 4: 595
blue_collar 0 1 FALSE 2 1: 2129, 0: 2036
manufacturing 0 1 FALSE 2 0: 2518, 1: 1647
south 0 1 FALSE 2 0: 2956, 1: 1209
stndrd_metro 0 1 FALSE 2 1: 2723, 0: 1442
married 0 1 FALSE 2 1: 3392, 0: 773
black 0 1 FALSE 2 0: 3864, 1: 301
female 0 1 FALSE 2 0: 3696, 1: 469
union 0 1 FALSE 2 0: 2649, 1: 1516

Variable type: numeric

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist
lwage 0 1 6.68 0.46 4.61 6.4 6.68 6.95 8.54 ▁▂▇▃▁
years_worked 0 1 19.85 10.97 1.00 11.0 18.00 29.00 51.00 ▇▇▆▅▁
weeks_worked 0 1 46.81 5.13 5.00 46.0 48.00 50.00 52.00 ▁▁▁▁▇
years_education 0 1 12.85 2.79 4.00 12.0 12.00 16.00 17.00 ▁▂▂▇▅

Now, let’s regress the log of individual wages on a series of covariates while clustering standard errors at the respondent-level2:

mod_wages_1 <- lm_robust(lwage ~ years_worked + female +
                         black + blue_collar +south + union + 
                         manufacturing + wave,
                         data = wage_panelr,
                         clusters = id,
                         # Produces robust clustered SEs (via the 
                         # Delta method - as in Stata):
                         se_type = "stata") 

Having stored our results in mod_wages_1, let’s summarize our model graphically:

# Labels for coefficients:

wages_labels <- c("manufacturing1" = "Manufacturing",
                  "union1" = 'Union Member', 
                  "south1" = "Southerner",
                  "black1" = "Black",
                  "female1" = "Female",
                  "years_worked" = "Years in Workforce",
                  "blue_collar1" = "Blue Collar Worker")
mod_wages_1 %>% modelplot(conf_level = 0.99,
                          #String search:
                          coef_omit = 'Interc|wave',
                          colour = "red",
                         # Renaming coefficients:
                          coef_map = wages_labels) +
              theme_bw(base_family = "Inconsolata") +
              # Adding reference point for "non-significant" finding:
              geom_vline(xintercept = 0, 
                         linetype = "dashed") +
              labs(x = "Coefficient Estimates",
                   title = "Predicting the Log of Wages",
                   subtitle = "With 99% Confidence Intervals") 

As we fine-tune our model, we may be interested in testing whether the sex differences we uncovered in mod_wages_1 would persist if additional background variables were adjusted. With this in mind, let’s include an additional regressor on the right-hand side: years_education (i.e.,years of schooling).

# Additional control:

mod_wages_2 <- lm_robust(lwage ~ years_worked + years_education +
                         female + black +  blue_collar + south + union + 
                         manufacturing + wave,
                         data = wage_panelr,
                         clusters = id,
                         se_type = "stata") 

# Adjusting our labels:

wages_labels <- c(wages_labels, "years_education" = "Education (Years)")

mod_wages_2 %>% modelplot(conf_level = 0.99,
                          coef_omit = 'Interc|wave',
                          colour = "red",
                          coef_map = wages_labels) +
                theme_bw(base_family = "Inconsolata") +
                geom_vline(xintercept = 0, 
                           linetype = "dashed") +
                labs(x = "Coefficient Estimates",
                     title = "Predicting the Log of Wages",
                     subtitle = "With 99% Confidence Intervals") 

Now, let’s expiclity—and visually—compare these models using modelplot().

wage_models <- list("Base Model" = mod_wages_1,
                    "Full Model" = mod_wages_2)

wage_models %>% modelplot(coef_omit = 'Interc|wave|edu',
                          size = 1,
                          linewidth = 1,
                          coef_map = wages_labels) +
                # Adjusting colour scale:
                scale_colour_brewer(palette = "Set2") +
                # From ggthemes
                theme_modern_rc(base_family = "Inconsolata") +
                theme(legend.title = element_blank()) +
                geom_vline(xintercept = 0,
                           colour = "white",
                           linetype = "dashed")
# Using facets

rev(wage_models) %>% modelplot(coef_omit = 'Interc|wave|edu',
                               # Matches arguments for geom_pointrange()
                               size = 1,
                               linewidth = 1,
                               coef_map = wages_labels,
                               colour = "skyblue",
                               facet = TRUE) +
  theme_bw(base_family = "Inconsolata") +
  theme(legend.title = element_blank(),
        strip.text.y = element_text(angle = 0)) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0,
             linetype = "dashed")
Warning: Duplicated aesthetics after name standardisation: size and colour

As these plots lay bare, introducing an additional covariate (years_education) does little to change our story.

Adjusted Predictions, Marginal Effects

Adjusted Predictions

There is a rather large body of scholarship detailing the importance of predictions as tools for clarifying model results — especially when our outcomes are discrete or interactions are brought into our statistical ecosystems (see Arel-Bundock 2023; Long and Mustillo 2021; Mize 2019). That is, however, a story for another day. For now, let’s use two wonderful libraries—ggeffects and marginaleffects—to visualize model predictions.

To do so, let’s fit a slightly more complicated version of mod_gapminder_1. Specifically, let’s allow continent to moderate the relationship between per capita GDP (logged) and life expectancy. We can specify this model as follows:

mod_gapminder_2 <- lm(lifeExp ~ log_pop + continent*log_gdpPercap,
                      data = gapminder_2007)

Now, let’s summarize our results graphically.

Here’s how we can visualize predictions using ggeffects:

         # Predicted life expectancy at logged GDP per capita of 6 to 11
         # for countries in Europe and Africa:
         terms = c("log_gdpPercap [6:11]", 
                   "continent [Europe, Africa]")) %>% 
         plot() +
         labs(title = "Predicted Values of Life Expectancy", 
              x = "Log of Per Capita GDP",
              y = "Life Expectancy (Years)",
              fill = "",
              colour = "") +
          theme_ggeffects(base_family = "IBM Plex Sans") +
          scale_color_economist() +
          scale_fill_economist() +
          theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
          # Overriding default alpha of confidence intervals:
          guides(fill = guide_legend(override.aes =
                                       list(alpha = 0.35)))

We can turn the results of ggeffect() into a tibble that we feed into ggplot2:

mod_gapminder_2 %>% ggeffect(terms = c("log_gdpPercap [6:11]",
                                       "continent [Europe, Africa]")) %>% 
                    as_tibble() %>% 
                    ggplot(mapping = aes(x = x, 
                                         y = predicted, 
                                         ymin = conf.low,
                                         ymax = conf.high,
                                         # group corresponds to discrete term:
                                         colour = group,
                                         fill = group)) +
                    geom_line() +
                    # For confidence intervals:
                    geom_ribbon(alpha = 0.5) 

Here’s how we can use marginaleffects to visualize model predictions:

                 condition = list("log_gdpPercap" = 6:11,
                                  "continent" = c("Africa", "Europe"))) +
theme_ggeffects(base_family = "IBM Plex Sans") +
labs(fill = "", colour = "",
     x = "Log of GDP per Capita",
     y = "Life Expectancy")

We can turn the results of avg_predictions() into a tibble that we feed into ggplot2:

                variables = list(log_gdpPercap = c(6:11),
                                 continent = c("Africa", "Europe"))) %>% 
as_tibble() %>% 
ggplot(mapping = aes(x = log_gdpPercap, 
                     y = estimate, 
                     ymin = conf.low,
                     ymax = conf.high,
                     colour = continent,
                     fill = continent)) +
geom_line() +
geom_ribbon(alpha = 0.5)  

Average Marginal Effects

As Arel-Bundock (2023) explains, “a marginal effect measures the association between a change in a regressor \(x\), and a change in the response \(y\). Put differently, the marginal effect is the slope of the prediction function, measured at a specific value of the regressor \(x\).” Across the social and behavioural sciences, this is often the quantity of substantive interest.

Below, we use a few lines of code to estimate and visualize the average marginal effects3 associated with a key regressor (log_gdpPercap) across levels of the continent variable.

            variables = "log_gdpPercap",
            condition = "continent") + 
theme_ggeffects(base_family = "IBM Plex Sans")

This is how you would estimate average marginal effects using the avg_slopes() function:

           # Focal variable:
           variables = "log_gdpPercap",
           # Across levels of ...
           by = "continent")

 continent Estimate Std. Error    z Pr(>|z|)    S 2.5 % 97.5 %
  Africa       4.29      0.835 5.13  < 0.001 21.8 2.650   5.92
  Americas     4.45      1.610 2.76  0.00572  7.4 1.294   7.61
  Asia         5.20      0.885 5.87  < 0.001 27.8 3.465   6.94
  Europe       4.22      1.903 2.22  0.02673  5.2 0.486   7.94

Term: log_gdpPercap
Type:  response 
Comparison: mean(dY/dX)
Columns: term, contrast, continent, estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value, s.value, conf.low, conf.high, predicted_lo, predicted_hi, predicted 

How can we transform these results into a ggplot2 object?

Final Exercise

Time permitting, explore the gss_2010 data frame and fit a few interesting models. Then, use some of the tools covered today to visually summarize your findings.

To make matters easier, here’s every labelled variable in the gss_2010 data frame:


Arel-Bundock, Vincent. 2023. marginaleffects: Predictions, Comparisons, Slopes, Marginal Means, and Hypothesis Tests. The Marginal Effects Zoo (0.15.0).” September 10, 2023.
Long, J. Scott, and Sarah A. Mustillo. 2021. “Using Predictions and Marginal Effects to Compare Groups in Regression Models for Binary Outcomes.” Sociological Methods & Research 50 (3): 1284–1320.
Mize, Trenton. 2019. “Best Practices for Estimating, Interpreting, and Presenting Nonlinear Interaction Effects.” Sociological Science 6: 81–117.
Wickham, Hadley, Danielle Navarro, and Thomas Lin Pedersen. 2023. ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis.”
Wilkinson, Leland. 2005. The Grammar of Graphics. Springer-Verlag.


  1. Of course, you can also copy the source code into your console or editor by clicking the Code button on the top-right of this page and clicking View Source.↩︎

  2. A better approach might involve fitting latent growth curves or mixed models.↩︎

  3. What Stata users might call dy/dx.↩︎